LDS Pals

SHYM_KIKAY1022 - 36 year old woman from Makati City, Philippines

LDS Singles shym_kikay1022
36 years old
Black Hair
Brown Eyes
5 ft.  4 in.
Average Build
Never Married
College Graduate
Makati City, Philippines
learner, mother, employee
Mission: None
No Temple Recommend
Not Endowed
Regularly Attends Church
1 Children, 1 at home
My Introduction:

Happily everafter exist, at the right time, at the right place with the right person. I am proud to be an LDS. Despite all the trials and challenges i encountered. Still the lord let me feel his perfect love. I love his plan for me, beautiful family, supportive friends, stable job, healthy life. I know im not perfect but im striving to perfection by doing my part to receive my gatepass to celestial kingdom. Im happy with my life right now but will be happier someday if someone is willing to accept my past, ride along in my present and plans to be with me in the future. People change as time goes by and so am i. I just need an acceptance... Nothing else... message me. I will hit back

My Interests and Hobbies:

My baby, adventure, random thoughts, novels, meeting new friends, old friends, fashion, exploring, beach, mountains, waterfalls, real-estate, nature trip, laughing, customer service, travel, foodtrips, work, movies, tv series, cartoons, photography, sleep, music, sing, dance, memories, happiness, happenings, places ive never been to, new taste for my stomach, new memories to keep, new journey to pursue

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