LDS Pals

MATA - 58 year old woman from Sanders, Arizona

LDS Singles MATA
58 years old
Brown Hair
Brown Eyes
5 ft.  3 in.
Above Average Build
Some College
Sanders, Arizona
Mission: Arizona
Temple Worthy
Temple Recommend
Frequently Attends Church
0 Children, 0 at home
My Introduction:

I'm now Off grid now, moved so far no water ele land line or cell. sorry. I'm no longer will have the time to check in anymore. Sorry bye. Thank you so very much for stopping by, to read my profile. I am a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Looking for a male member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints" only. Please , Please, if you are not a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. please just pass me up . i do not want to waste your time. if you are a member please be Temple worthy. Mission is a plus. I'm kind of like a hippy, love and peace are a big part of who I am. I like, crazy clothes. being part of the wild side of life(love and harmony). I know that I am a child of God. If I think about it, I'm more of a childlike person. I see everyone as a child dose. I want to see only the good in others and love them for that goodness. Most of the time, I'm sort of reserved or standoff-ish. (As a child would do , hiding behind their Mother. ) Until I get to know a person. I tend to look and listen to others around me. I am curious about life. My hope is to change each day, for the better. I think this is the only way to grow into a Christ like person.( Because, I want to be the person God needs me to be). We all should try learning as much as we can about the Gospel and apply these things to our life's. This is how we change. I have been a Missionary and been a Temple worker. I 'm and try to be , happy, loving, honest, kind, carefree, friendly, caring. I am fearless , brave, strong and I have a good senses of humor. Others say I am a joy to have around. But I really am hopeful that one day I will be ready for the next step of life. (Passing the Vail). To stand before our GOD. If I don't get the approval stamp I want to be able to feel as if I give it my best shot.

My Interests and Hobbies:

I believe as part of God's family, it is important to change all the time. There is no other way to become more Christlike. I want to replace my heart, with a loving, kind, generous, forgiving, and non-judgmental heart. I hope someday to be all that Heavenly Father want me to be. (I hope we all do) So change is very important to me. I like ; Time in the Temple (is to be close to God and family). movies (comedies, Romantic, scifi, cartoons) music (everything but some country and most rap) dancing, is ok. stargazing , its just wonderful. RAIN (sitting or standing out in the rain with my head tilted back as to fell the rain touch my face, it's like kisses from above ) a good drizzle. and Old cars ( working on , listeing to them , looking at and the smells of an old car) I know crazy right? But I told you in the beginning - hippie wild child is who I am. All of this just might not apply anymore, I may change this later. My likes; Males (must be LDS priesthood holder with a Temple recommend) and if you have a full beard , nice smile , are tall , strong hugs, kindness and are loving that would be cool.

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