LDS Pals

AJULIAN19 - 47 year old woman from Las Pinas City, Philippines

LDS Singles ajulian19
47 years old
Black Hair
Brown Eyes
5 ft.  0 in.
Average Build
Never Married
High School
Las Pinas City, Philippines
Mission: no
Temple Worthy
Temple Recommend
Regularly Attends Church
1 Children, 1 at home
My Introduction:

I'm curious why lots of scammer here i thought this is LATTER DAY SAINTS SITE..they are all pathetic! May be they think lots of Filipinos or filipina are pathetic too.. SORRY FOR YOU GUYS I'M NOT THAT STUPID... sorry for the words I'm not perfect i feel what i feel.. So for all those who messaged me and asking for helped sorry because I'm not stupid to send you help i won't do that again.. I learned from my mistakes... Spare me please... Thank you! And FYI I am not rich person hahahaha.. ???????? Hello everyone.. I am a simple woman with a simple dreams to find my eternal companion and my best friend my buddy and a soul mate if Gods will...a loving person, understanding, sweet and caring... accept who I am and I will do the same, i am very understanding and passionate person want to meet my eternal companion here wish IT'S YOU! .. keep smiling be happy always! ;)

My Interests and Hobbies:

Like singing i love music a former band vocalist, i like cooking I enjoy to do household chores hahaha..I like hiking, camping hmmmm what else? watching movies, reading and I also love the nature I don't know why just like to hear the bird singing and if you want to know more about me just ask... I am who I am I don't need to pretend someone yourself, be happy and trust Heavenly Father :) My best interest is going on a Temple and perform my duty as a member of the church and as a mom to my son also to be a good leader as Relief Society do..I LOVE doing good things i may not be a perfect woman to someones life but i can be a perfect wife to the one who accept me for who i am....

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